Privacy Statement

At L Dee Photography, we are deeply committed to protecting your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Principles outlined in the Privacy Act.

The personal information we collect depends on your interactions with us. Personal information includes details about an individual who is reasonably identifiable. For example, if you:

  • Join Special Mailing Lists or Databases: If you sign up to receive information about certain products or offers, we may collect your name, contact details, date of birth, and preferences.
  • Make a Purchase Online or Set Up an Online Account: We will collect your name, contact details, order details, credit card details, and delivery address.
  • Provide Information via Social Media: When you interact with us on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, we may collect your name and contact details.
  • Attend Our Functions or Events: We will collect your name, contact details, and any dietary or accessibility requirements.
  • Enter Competitions or Complete Surveys: We may collect your name, contact details, merchandise or service preferences, and feedback.
  • Send Enquiries or Provide Feedback: Through our online form or via email, we will collect your name, contact details, details of your enquiry or feedback, and our response.
  • Submit Sponsorship or Partnership Applications: We will collect the information included in your proposal.
  • Apply for Employment: We will collect the information included in your job application, including your and your referee’s contact details.

You can engage with us anonymously for general enquiries or to provide feedback; however, for us to respond effectively or provide you with specific products or services, you will need to identify yourself. For online purchases, identification is necessary to ensure the delivery of products.

We only collect sensitive information when it is reasonably necessary for our functions or activities and when you have given consent, or as required or authorized by law.

We also collect information automatically through your use of our websites, primarily through the use of cookies. This information can be collected both anonymously and in relation to user accounts. Cookies track your visit to our website, recording details such as your server address, the date and time of your visit, the pages viewed, documents downloaded, and the type of browser and operating system used. This data is used for statistical analysis and to improve the functionality and usability of our website and apps.

By providing your address, email address, and telephone numbers to us, you consent to being contacted for the purposes mentioned above. We may communicate with you through various means, including mail, email, social media, SMS, MMS, or telephone. If you wish to opt out of being contacted, you can do so by:

When you provide us with an email address or phone number, you consent to receiving electronic communications such as notices or reminders via that address or number. You may prefer to provide a personal email address or phone number rather than one accessible by your work colleagues.

We share your personal information with third parties only where necessary and appropriate for the purposes outlined above, including:

  • Financial Institutions: For payment processing.
  • Referees: Whose details are provided by job applicants.
  • Contracted Service Providers or Partners: Including delivery and shipping providers, electronic mail houses, manufacturers, and suppliers.
  • Regulatory, Investigative, or Government Bodies: To comply with laws.

We do not share your personal information with third parties for direct marketing purposes.

We only use your name, address, email, and contact phone number to communicate directly with you, deliver your order digitally, or facilitate your attendance at one of our physical events.

At L Dee Photography, safeguarding your personal information is a top priority. We are committed to maintaining the trust you place in us and ensuring your privacy is protected at all times. Thank you for your continued support and for trusting us with your personal information.